Sunday, November 16, 2008

I'll Do Better

I promise when I started this blog I had great intentions to keep up with it.  Obviously my first attempt was less than successful.  So...5 months after my maiden post, I would now like to present my long awaited  SECOND post!!!!  

A lot has happened in the last 5 months much more than I care to type in one sitting, so I will try to hit some of the high points.  

Jake is now 7 months old and growing like crazy.  Brian got on the scale with him a few nights ago and he is up to 20 lbs!  On October 30 Jake finally got his helmet that is supposed to correct his plagiocephaly.  After a week on a "break in" schedule he is now wearing the helmet 23 hours a day.  It's not as bad as it looks.  I don't think he even notices it much anymore.  All in all Jake is doing really well.  He goes to an in-home daycare Monday through Friday and he loves it!  Every morning when I drop him off he is so excited to see Miss Pat and all of his other friends, he literally tries to jump out of my arms!  I posted several pics of Jake below.  I know they are kind of out of order, sorry I'm new. 

Brian is busy at work and busy at play, as usual. He, Jimmy, Dad, Spencer and Derrick all have a deer lease together this year.  So needless to say we (Jake and I) don't see Daddy (Brian) much anymore.  

I started back to work in August after being out since the end of March.  I was so ready to go back.  I think I may be a better working mom than stay at home mom.  And to all you stay-at-home-moms out there... YOU DESERVE A RAISE!!!!  I love that little boy so much, but he is just like his dad.  He wants to be doing something fun, exciting and new every five seconds.  Let me tell you how exhausting that can be.  However I have found that walks outside in the stroller seem to make him very happy.  So we now have an evening routine that includes a one hour stroller ride.  Which has the added benefit of helping with those last pesky 20 pounds.  No, that's not a typo.  I also had my 10 year reunion this month.  Wow, has it really been 10 years?  Unfortunately not many people came, but we still had a good time and it was fun catching up with the people who were there.  

Well this basically has us caught up on the highlights of the last 5 months.  I promise to do a better job of blogging.  So check back soon for the much anticipated Blog #3!

The next Tony Romo!

...or Nolan Ryan

Watch out Bambi!!
If you ask Caroline this is a picture of Jake Jake, Dorge and Wopey
...or LT      (don't worry, it's a Pepsi)

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