Thursday, June 12, 2008

My First Post!

Well I'm finally going to try out the blog thing.  Amy has been doing one for her family for the last year and encouraged me to start one now that Jake is here.  So I'm going to give it a shot

For anyone that doesn't know or hasn't had the pleasure of meeting him yet, Jake was born on April 5, 2008.  He was delivered by C-section 1 month early due to my complications with  preeclampsia.  Despite being early he weighed in at 7 lbs 8 ozs and 19 1/4 inches long.  He had to spend his first night in the NICU with some breathing and blood sugar issues, but was out the next morning and spent the rest of the day with Mom, Dad and all the rest of the fam.

Now, 2 months later, everyone is doing great and Jake is growing like a weed.  You would never guess by looking at him that he was premature.  At his last doctors appointment (June 5th) he was 11 lbs. 6 ozs and 24 inches tall!  He's gonna be a big boy!  He's become a pro at following you with his eyes, but we are still working on the smiling and cooing.  Every once in a while he will give us a glimpse of his one sided dimple and his toothless grin.  We have now decided that his cousin Will, who is much more advanced in this area, is going to have to give him lessons.  

Above is the pic taken of Jake in the hospital... Daddy's little Horned Frog!